Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Hukum Laut/Daftar Isi
Halaman ini sedang dikerjakan. Kunjungi lagi halaman ini dalam beberapa waktu ke depan untuk melihat perubahan terbaru. Kunjungi Warung kopi untuk pertanyaan bagaimana berpartisipasi mengembangkan halaman ini. |
Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Hukum Laut |
Halaman berkas | ||
PEMBUKAAN | 21 | |
Bab I. PENDAHULUAN | 22 | |
Pasal 1.Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Hukum Laut
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Pasal 2.Status hukum laut teritorial, ruang udara di atas laut teritorial dan
dasar laut serta tanah di bawahnya. |
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Pasal 3.Lebar Laut Teritorial
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Pasal 4.Batas luar laut teritorial
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Pasal 5.Garis pangkal biasa
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Pasal 6.K a r a n g
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Pasal 7.Garis pangkal lurus
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Pasal 8.Perairan pedalaman
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Pasal 9.Mulut Sungai
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Pasal 10.T e l u k
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Pasal 11.Pelabuhan
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Pasal 12.Tempat berlabuh di tengah laut
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Pasal 13.Elevasi Surut
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Pasal 14.Kombinasi cara-cara penetapan garis pangkal
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Pasal 15.Penetapan garis batas laut teritorial antara negara-negara
yang pantainya berhadapan atau berdampingan |
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Pasal 16.Peta dan daftar koordinat geografis
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Pasal 17.Hak lintas damai
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Pasal 18.Pengertian lintas
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Pasal 19.Pengertian lintas damai
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Pasal 20.Kapal selam dan kendaraan bawah air lainnya
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Pasal 21.Peraturan perundang-undangan Negara pantai bertalian dengan lintas damai
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Pasal 22.Alur laut dan skema pemisah lalu lintas di laut teritorial
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Pasal 23.Kapal asing bertenaga nuklir dan kapal yang mengangkut nuklir
atau bahan lain yang karena sifatnya berbahaya atau beracun |
28 |
Article 58. Rights and duties of other States in the exclusive economic zone ............................. 40 Article 59. Basis for the resolution of conflicts regarding the attribution of rights and jurisdiction in the exclusive economic zone ............................. 41 Article60. Artificial islands, installations and structures in the exclusive economic zone ..................................... 41 Article61. Conservationofthelivingresources ............ 42 Article 62. Utilization of the living resources .............. 43 Article 63. Stocks occurring within the exclusive economic zones o f two or more coastal States or both within the exclusive economic zone and in an area beyond and adjacent to it .............................. 44 Article64. Highlymigratoryspecies ..................... 44 Article65. Marinemammals ........................... 44 Article66. Anadromousstocks ......................... 45 Article67. Catadromousspecies ........................ 45 Article68. Sedentaryspecies ........................... 46 Article69. Rightofland-lockedStates ................... 46 Article 70. Right of geographically disadvantagedStates ........................ 47 Article 71. Non-applicability of articles 69 and 70 .......... 48 Article72. Restrictionsontransferofrights ............... 48 Article 73. Enforcement of l aws and regulations of the coastal State ..................................... 48 Article 74. Delimitation of the exclusive economic zone between States with opposite or adjacent coasts ................... 49 Article 75. Charts and lists of geographicalcoordinates ..................... 49 PARTVI. CONTINENTALSHELF ............................. 49 Article76. Definitionofthecontinentalshelf .............. 49 Article 77. Rights of the coastal State over the continental shelf. 51 Article 78. Legal status of the superjacent waters and air space and the rights and freedomsofotherStates...................... 51 Article 79. Submarine cables and pipelines on the continental shelf ..................................... 51 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/5 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/6 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/7 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/8 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/9 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/10 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/11 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/12 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/13 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/14 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/15 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/16 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/17 Halaman:Unclos e.djvu/18
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