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Halaman ini belum selesai diterjemahkan. Anda dapat melihat terjemahannya dengan menggunakan Google Translate™. Hanya karya dan terjemahan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa daerah di Indonesia yang diperbolehkan di Wikisumber. Bantulah untuk menerjemahkannya. |
Terjemahan secara umum
[sunting]Wikisource mendukung tujuan Wikimedia untuk membuat informasi tersedia secara bebas dan mudah dalam bahasa yang digunakan oleh masyarakat untuk berbicara, membaca, dan menulis.
Untuk alasan ini, sejak awal sekali, Wikisource telah menyatakan kesediannya untuk memuat tidak hanya edisi terjemahan naskah asli yang telah dipublikasikan beserta terjemahannya, tetapi juga mendorong adanya terjemahan baru secara kolaboratif ("wiki") atas naskah tersebut.
Untuk sebagian besar naskah, dan khususnya untuk naskah modern yang terutama ditulis untuk isinya yang informatif (dengan kemungkinan pengecualian untuk sastra dan puisi), suatu terjemahan naskah dapat dibuat dengan gaya wiki, sepanjang diberi pranala ke naskah sumber dalam bahasa aslinya. Untuk sejumlah bahasa utama, pranala dapat diletakkan dengan mudah di sidebar setiap subdomain Wikisource.
Sebagai contoh, suatu terjemahan bahasa Indonesia dari naskah sumber berbahasa Perancis cukup memuat pranala "fr:" di bagian bawah halaman, diikuti dengan judulnya dalam bahasa Perancis. Dengan satu kali klik di sidebar ("Bahasa lain"), pembaca terjemahan dapat melihat naskah sumber aslinya, atau terjemahannya dalam bahasa lain yang ada di Wikisource.
Terjemahan yang telah dipublikasikan
[sunting]Wikisource bahasa Indonesia terutama memuat naskah sumber berbahasa Indonesia yang telah dipublikasikan, termasuk terjemahan suatu naskah ke dalam bahasa Indonesia yang telah dipublikasikan.
Where relevant, this also includes multiple published translations of source texts. When there is more than one published translation, and more than one of them is uploaded to Wikisource, they should link to each other, as well as be linked to and from the text in its original language (as well as to translations of the same text in other languages).
There is more than one way to accomplish this:
- The clearest and simplest solution is to insert an interwiki language link to a page which lists all translations of the text available in that language.
- If there are only a small number of translations (which will usually be the case!), simply provide a language link to one of them in the sidebar. The translation that is linked to (the primary translation) should provide links to other translations in that language.
- If the passage is short, it is possible (and sometimes even beneficial) to include parallel translations of the same text on a single page.
- It is possible to include more than one language link in the sidebar of the original source-text (e.g. "en:" twice!). In this case each translation must be given names using the template {{Interwiki-info}}.
There should be no single binding policy on how to create links to multiple versions. The best solution is to let each translation project find the method that best suites its own needs.
Terjemahan oleh Wikisource
[sunting]Terjemahan hasil karya kontributor Wikisource harus ditandai, dan dibedakan dengan jelas dari terjemahan yang telah dipublikaskan.
Terjemahan oleh Wikisource harus menggunakan {{header}} dengan "translator = wikisource", yang menempatkan karya tersebut ke dalam Kategori:Terjemahan Wikisource.
Pembaharuan dan revisi oleh Wikisource terhadap terjemahan
[sunting]Wikisource contributers may update, revise, or correct an outdated translation, but the revised translation must be noted as such, and kept separate from the original, previously published translation (which are also kept on Wikisource). Furthermore, the revised translation should link to the original translation upon which it is based.
Suggested policy is to use a template designed for these purposes. For more information, please see the talk page.
Terjemahan aneka wiki
[sunting]For some texts, one new Wikisource translation may not satisfy all needs. This is especially true for poetry and literature, as well as texts from pre-modern times. Wikisource is committed to making texts available as many usable formats as possible, if there are users willing to contribute them.
Some translations may be aimed at an audience of young readers, others may be written for adults. Some may be aimed at monolingual readers, others at students of the language of the source text. Some may be "literary" translations, others may be rather technical. Some source texts, expecially for ancient, classical, or medieval texts, may have a number of variant versions, with significant differences between them. Different translations may reflect different versions of the source text.
In cases where a single translation does not meet all needs, more than one translation may be contributed to Wikisource. When this happens, the methodology, style and goals of each translation should be clearly spelled out and agreed upon by the wiki contributors who participate in that translation project.
It is important to emphasize that different kinds of translations are often truly different works. In such cases, parallel translations can develope separately while being linked for comparison.
For information on how to create links when there is more than one parallel translation, see above ("Multiple published translations").