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the act of selfdetermination, including those residents who departed after 1945 and who return to the territory to resume residence after the termination of Netherlands administration.

Article XIX

The United Nations Representative will report to the Secretary General on the arrangements arrived at for freedom of choice.

Article XX

The act of Self-determination will be completed before the end of 1969.

Article XXI

1. After the exercise of the right of self - determination, Indonesia and the United Nations Representative will submit final report to the Secretary-General who will report to the General Assembly, on the conduct of the act of self-determination and the results there of.
2. The parties to the present Agreement will recognize and abide by the results of the act of self-determination.

Rights of the Inhabitants

Article XXII

1. The UNTEA and Indonesia will guarantiee fuily the rights, including the rights of free speech, freedom of movement and of assembly of the inhibitants of the area. These rights will include the existing rights of the inhabitants of the territory at the time of the transfer of administration to the UNTEA.
2. The UNITEA will take over existing Netherlands commitments in respect of concessions and property rights.
3. After Indonesia has taken over the administration it will honor those commitments wich are not inconsistent with the interests and economic development of the people of the territory. A joint Indonesian-Netheland, commission will be set up after the transfer of administration to Indonesia to study the nature of the above-mentioned concessions and property rights.
4. During the period of the UNTEA administration there will be freedom of movement for civilians of Indonesian and Netherlands nationalities to and from the territory.