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participatle at the appropriate time in the arrangements for self-determination, be limited to advising on and assisting in preparations for carrying out the provisions for self-determination except in so far as Indonesia and the Secretary-General may agree upon their performing other expert functions. They will be responsible to the Secretary. General for the carrying out of their duties.

Article XVII

Indonesia will invite the Secretary-General to appoint Representative who, together with a staff made up, inlter-alia of experts referred to in Article XVII, will carry out the Secretary-General's responsibilities to advise. assit and participate in arrangements which are the responsibility of Indonesia for the act of free choice. The Secretary-General will. at the proper time. appoint the United Nations Representative in order that he and his staff may assume their duties in the territory one year prior to the date of self-determination. Such additional staff as the United Nations Representative might feel necessary will he determined by the Secretary-General after consultations with Indoresia. The United Nations Representative and his staff will have the same freedom of movement as provided for the personnel referred to in Article XVI.

Article XVIII

Indonesia will make arrangements, with the assistance and participation of the United Nations Representative and his staff, to give the people of the territory the opportunity to exercise freedom of choice. Such arrangements will include :

  1. Consultations (Musjawarah) with The reprcscntative councils on Procedures and appropriate methods to be followed for asccnaining the freely expressed will of the population.
  2. The determination of the actual date of the exercise of free choice within the period established by the present Agreement.
  3. Formulation of the questions in such a way as to permit the inhabit ant to decied (a) whether they wish to remain with Indonesia :of (b) whether they wish to sever their ties with Indonesia.
  4. The eligibility of al adults, male and female, not foreign nationals to participate in the act of self-determinattion to be carried out in accordance with international practice. who are residents at the time of the signing of the present Agreement and at the time of