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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/80

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<poem> k-la'pa (Jav.) = Malay lyiur, the coco-nut tree. a'i/cr k-la'pa, the milk of the coco-nut. l>u' all k-la'pa, a coco-nut. i'si k-la'pa, the meat or nutty part of the coco-nut. po'lion k-la'pa, the coco-nut tree. sa'lut k-la'pa, the husk of the coco-nut. san'tan k-la'pa, the juice ex- tracted from the nutty part. k-la'si (Pers. klialaslii}, sailor. k-lat', acid. k-la'tu (B.), to rap on the head with the knuckle of the fore finger. k-la'war, a bat. Cf. leluarg. k-Ie'dek, the sweet potato; this is considered a very inferior root as an article of food by the natives, who therefore use this word as an oppro- brious epithet; as in the phrase loyar kledek, a second- rate lawyer. k-Ieh', to see. k-Ie'waig, a short, heavy sword. k-li'an, a mine = galian. k-li'kir, la' in k-li'kir, gravel. Cf. kersek. k-li'Hig, round about, around. ler-k-li'linj, surrounding, a- round. k-li'li-rgi, to surround, encir- cle, go round. Cf. kporg. k-lim', hem, seam. k-li'mah (Ar.), word, speech, saying, sentence. k-li'mah sha-lia'dat, the Mo- hammedan profession of faith. ', nfff'ri K-lmf (Sk.), the eastern coast of British In- dia. K-lity' is'lant, a Mahommedan Tamil. o'ranf K-linf . tlie natives of that part of India, especially the Telugus and Tamils. k-lirg'kin? and ja'ri k-lity'kinj, the little finger. k-linj'kirg ka'ki, the little toe. k-lin'toig, a hawker. k-lip', ler-k-lii/,^to blink the eyes. Cf. kjam and kjap. k-lip'-k-lip', firefly. s-k-lip' uta'ta, the twinkling of an eye. k-Ii'ru, deception, error, mistake, misconception ; muddled. k-1-ka'tu, flying ants. kl-ma'rin and k-ma'rin, yester- day. Cf. s- mala in. kl-ma'rin d-liu'lu, the day be- fore yesterday. k-I-ma'yar, the phosphorescent centipede. k-loh', m-rg-1oli', a sigh ; to sigh. k-loh' k-sali', mental agitation. k-lom'pok, a group of persons. Cf. tumpok. k-Io'pak, a sheath, the lid of the eye, sheath of buds. k-lo'pak ma'ta, eyelid. k-lu', dumb, speechless; also lisu. k-lu'aig, a very large bat, the vampire. kluar, see luar. k-lu-ar'ga, see khirga. k-Iu'boig, ler-k-lu'boiy, to en- velop, cover up (as with a cloth). k-lu'piig, a scab.