<poem> ta'a'Ia (Ar.), exalted; in the phrase: Allah ta'ala, God, exalted be He! ta'alok, see t'nlok. ta bal (A i 1 . ). drum. Cf. gndraiy and rim mi. ta'bal-kan. to announce by the beating of a drum. ta'bek, greeting, salutation (159). Cf. salam. ta'bi'at ( Ar. ), nature, disposi- tion, character. Cf. pkcrti and pratyai. ta'bib (Ar.), doctor. Cf. duknn and doktor. ta'bir, curtain. Cf. tirai. t'a'bir (Ar. ). explanation, inter- pretation. I'li'liir-kiin, to explain, give the meaning of. ta'bo-han, hornet = tbiian. ta'boiu, a length of bamboo used to contain fluids. ta'bur, m-na'bur, scatter, sow (as seed). Cf. hambur. /i-iKi'linr, a sower; small shot. Ix'r-ln'bn-rnn, scattered, dis- persed. ta'but ( Ar.), the ark of the cove- nant. ta'chi (B.) (Chin.), elder sister; usually kakak. ta'ching(B.), worm = chaclii/;/. ta'dah, m-na'dah, to catch or hold in the open hands, or in a vessel (as liquids) ; to ex- leiid the hands in such an attitude, as in prayer. Cf. linlor. ta'di, just now, just, a moment ago. lately. Cf. bhani. ta'di pa'gi, this morning. ma' lam ta'di, last night. taf'sir (Ar.), a commentary (es- pecially on the Koran). ta'gar, thunder. ta'geh, craving; usually ktageh. tah, an interrogative particle = kah. ta-han', m-na-han', -kan, to bear, endure, withstand. I n -/inn' da' rah, to stanch blood. tii-lnin' naf'sn, to restrain one's desires. ter-ta-han', restrained, endured. ta'hi, excrement, refuse. ia'hi b-*i' , rust. ta'hi ger-ga'ai. sawdust. ia'lii ia'lat, moles, freckles. ta'hi t-U'rga, earwax. ta'hil, a measure of weight; see end of Grammar. ta'hu (62), to know, understand, be accustomed. Cf. I- mil. ta'hu 'a'dat, to know how to be- have, be polite. fti'lin bcr-ka-ta-ka'ta, to lie able to speak (of children). ta'hu dtt'dok, to be able to sit up (of children). b-ri' ta'hu, to make known, in- form. Cf. khabar. s-ta'hu, cognisant, privy to. xi-ti'pa ta'hu, who knows, I don't know. k-la'lni-i (102 /) (126), to know a thing, be aware of. k-ta'liu-nn. known, that which is known. bcr-k-ta'lnt-fin, known, being known. lfj-l<i'lin-tin. knowledge, learn- ing, information. bcr-i>nj-ta'lin-an, to have know- ledge, know. ta hun, year.
Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/145