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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/144

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<poem> suig'saig, backwards, upside down. su'igut, ber-su'rgut, to grumble, murmur. sun'tiig, flowers or ornaments worn in the hair or behind the ear. sun'tok, complete (of time). su'iyi (Sk.), solitary, lonely, de- solate, uninhabited, unfre- quented, quiet, private. su'rah (Ar.), a chapter of the Koran. su'rat, a writing, letter, book, handwriting. Cf. tulis. su'rat hu'targ, a bill. su'rat kha'bar, a newspaper. su'rat ki'ri-man, a letter. su'rat Jc-t-ra'rgan, certificate. su'rat ku-a'sa, a power of attor- ney. su'rat per-jan'ji-an, written agreement. su'rat ta'lak, a letter of divorce. su'rat wa'si-at, a will. ba'las su'rat, to answer a letter. bu'ryi su'rat, the contents of a letter. Tc-pa'la su'rat, the heading of a letter. mu'Jca su'rat, a page of a book. ter-su'rat, written. su'rau, a village mosque or pray- er house. Cf. mandarsah. su'roh, m-nju'roh, to order, com- ' niand. Cf. hvkum and psan. su'roh-kan, to order, send a person. p-ryu'roh and p-su'roh, a mes- senger. su'ro-han, an envoy. Cf. utus. suroig, see sororg. su'rut, ebb tide; also ayer surut. Cf. pasarg.. su'sah, trouble, annoyance, wor- ry, distress ; troublesome, an- noying, vexatious, difficult. Cf. sukar. sn'sah-kan, to trouble, annoy, worry. k-su'sa-han, annoyance, afflic- tion, distress. su'su, the breasts ; milk. a'yer su'su, milk. k-pa'la su'su, cream. ma'ta su'su, nipple. su'su'i, to give milk to, nurse. su'sun, in-iyu'sun, to arrange in regular order, fit together,, pile up. Cf. rakil. su'sur, m-nju'sur, edge, margin: to go along the edge of any- thing, sail along the coast. su'sut, to diminish, shrink. su't-ra (Sk.), silk. b-narg' su't-ra, silk thread. in'dok su't-ra, the cocoon of the- silk worm. ta', not: a contraction from Hdak (63-73). ta'a'da or t'a'da, is not, are not = tiada. ta'a'kan or t' a' lean, will not, it cannot be that . ta'ba'ik, not good, bad. ta'bo'leh, cannot, impossible. ta'da'pat, does not succeed r cannot. ta'da'jxit ti-a'da, it cannot but be, it must. ta'gu'na, useless. ta'ja'di, it did not come to puss. it will not do.

'ta'nani'pak, it is not seen.

ta'sa'ma, not the same, unlike. ta'u'fmli. not necessary, never mind.