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Wikisumber:Uji Baca Bulanan/karya yang akan diuji baca

Dari Wikisumber bahasa Indonesia, perpustakaan bebas
Wikisumber:Uji Baca Bulanan
Works to be validated

This page shows works that are being validated by the Validation of the Month community effort.


Menambahkan karya[sunting]

Add works that need to be validated to the end of the QUEUED list. Please include the page count for these works.

Completing a validation work[sunting]

As works that are RUNNING are validated (completed)

  1. Change the progress of the Index: page of the work to done (validated)
  2. Move the completed work to the COMPLETED section
  3. Move a QUEUED work into RUNNING


Older works: see the Archive

Karya yang selesai:


Daftar dibawah sedang berlangsung dan akan ditransklusikan setelah selesai.

  1. Indeks:Si Djamin dan si Djohan.pdf

Alternatifnya, Anda dapat mencari dan mengerjakan halaman yang belum diuji baca atau belum divalidasi yang dipilih secara acak.

Daftar tunggu[sunting]

Daftar diasumsikan berdasarkan urutan tanggal