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Wikisumber:Uji Baca Bulanan/karya yang akan diuji baca

Dari Wikisumber bahasa Indonesia, perpustakaan bebas
Wikisumber:Uji Baca Bulanan
Works to be validated

This page shows works that are being validated by the Validation of the Month community effort.



Menambahkan karya


Add works that need to be validated to the end of the QUEUED list. Please include the page count for these works.

Completing a validation work


As works that are RUNNING are validated (completed)

  1. Change the progress of the Index: page of the work to done (validated)
  2. Move the completed work to the COMPLETED section
  3. Move a QUEUED work into RUNNING



Older works: see the Archive

Karya yang selesai:



Daftar dibawah sedang berlangsung dan akan ditransklusikan setelah selesai.

  1. Indeks:Si Djamin dan si Djohan.pdf

Alternatifnya, Anda dapat mencari dan mengerjakan halaman yang belum diuji baca atau belum divalidasi yang dipilih secara acak.

Daftar tunggu


Daftar diasumsikan berdasarkan urutan tanggal