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Templat:Popup note/dok

Dari Wikisumber bahasa Indonesia, perpustakaan bebas
Ini adalah subhalaman dokumentasi untuk Templat:Popup note.
Halaman ini mengandung informasi penggunaan, kategori, pranala antarbahasa, dan lain-lain yang bukan merupakan bagian dari halaman templat asli.



Use to create a popup note when the cursor hovers over the text. Usage {{popup note|"note"|"text"}}. For example:

lnsomuch that same of Them Scarce ever speak so candidly, as when they 
make use of that known Chymical Sentence ; {{popup note|Latin, translation: 
Where smoke has spoken openly, there we say nothing|''Ubi palam locuti sumus, 
ibi nihil diximus''}}.

lnsomuch that same of Them Scarce ever speak so candidly, as when they make use of that known Chymical Sentence ; Latin, translation: Where smoke has spoken openly, there we say nothing.