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Rancangan Deklarasi Bangkok tentang Pengembangan Transportasi di Asia

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Rancangan Deklarasi Bangkok tentang Pengembangan Transportasi di Asia

 We, the Minister of transport and representatives of the members and assosiate members of the Economic an Social Commission for Asia and the Pasific, attending the Forum of Asian Ministers of Transport, held in Bangkok from 14 to 18 December 2009,

    Welcoming the convening of a forum for ministers to consider transport issues of regional importance,

    Recognizing the crucial importance of regional integration to the economic and social development of countries in the Asian region,

    Noting the central role of efficient, reliable and cost-effective transport services, including infrastructure, facilitation and logistics, in supporting the regional integration process,

    Recalling Commission resolution 63/9 on the implementation of the Busan Declaration on Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific and the Regional Action Programme for Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific, phase I (2007-2011),

    Recalling the Almaty Programme of Action : Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries within a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries,

    Encouraged by successful regional cooperation that led to the entry into force of the intergovernmental agreements on the Asian Highway Network and Trans-Asian Railway Network,

    Noting the important role which transport infrastructure and high-quality transport services play in ensuring sustainable economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of regional economies as well as improving living standards,

    Stressing the important role of dry ports in integrating modes of transport, reducing border crossing and transit delays, facilitating the use of energy-efficient and lower emission means of transport, and creating new opportunities for the growth and establishment of development clusters,

    Recognizing that formalization of the status of dry ports could significantly contribute to the development of an international intergrated intermodal transport and logistics system,

    Stressing, the need to ensure the professionalism and improve performance of logistics industry,

    Recalling the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the 2005 World Summit Outcome,

    Stressing, in this context, the important contribution of transport infrastructure and services in achieving the Millennium Development Goals,

    Recognizing that vast numbers of people in rural areas have limited access to transport infrastructure and services and, consequently, to economic and social opportunities,

    Recognizing that the improvement of the energy efficiency in the transport sector contributes to environmental sustainability,

    Recognizing that road safety is a public policy issue of major concern that requires a strong political commitment and effective interventions if road traffic fatalities, injuries and related human suffering are to be reduced significantly,

    Welcoming the important outcomes of the First Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, held in Moscow on 19 and 20 November 2009,

1. Resolve that, in order to support increased regional economic integration effectively, our respective government authorities will develop and implement transport policies at the national, subregional and regional levels in line with the following principles :

(a) Formulating integrated policies and decision-making frameworks based on strategic assessments of economic, environmental, social and poverty-related aspects;

(b) Developing an international intergrated intermodal transport and logistics system in support of production and distribution networks and international trade that contributes significantly to the realization of regional integration for the benefit of our people;

(c) Giving priority to investment in the Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway networks, including intermodal interfaces to link them with water and air transport networks;

(d) Promoting the development of economic and logistics activities at intermodal interfaces, particularly at production and consumption centres, and around seaports and dry ports;

(e) Increasing access for people in rural areas to transport infrastructure and services;

(f) Placing road safety high on the policy agenda;

(g) Mobilizing financial resources for the development of the transport system, its maintenance and operation from all possible sources, including private-sector partnerships and other financial arrangements,

2. Request the Executive Secretary to continue to accord priority to the implementation of the Busan Declaration on Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific and the Regional Action Programme for Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific, phase I (2007-2011), especially to assist regional members and associate members in their efforts :

(a) To realize the long-term vision of an international intergrated intermodal transport and logistics system;

(b) To accede to, ratify, accept or approve the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Asian Highway Network and/or the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Trans-Asian Railway Network;

(c) To develop the Asian Highway network, the Trans-Asia Railway network and intermodal transport infrastructure;

(d) To remove bottlenecks along, and operationalize, priority transport corridors and routes, including Euro-Asia transport linkages;

(e) To joint relevant international agreement and conventions aimed at the harmonization of standards, rules and procedures for highway and railway transportation as well as the facilitation of border crossings;

(f) To provide connectivity and integration of the Asian Highway network, the Trans-Asian Railway network and other transport modes by working towards the development of an intergovernmental agreement on dry ports;

(g) To develop guidelines for minimum standards and codes of conduct for freight forwarders, multimodal transport operators and logistics services providers;

(h) To promote the access of rural populations to main transport networks and services;

(i) To promote environmentally sustainable transport through efficient freight logistics and modal shifts in freight and passenger transportation;

(j) To set road safety goals, targets and indicators through networking among national and subregional organizations,

3. Also request the Executive Secretary :

(a) To ensure effective coordination with other United Nations and multilateral agencies as well as subregional organizations;

(b) To collaborate effectively with international and regional financing institutions, multilateral and bilateral donors and private sector investors, and international organizations to provide further financial and technical support for the wider development and operationalization of the Trans-Asia Railway network and the Asian Highway network;

(c) To convene a Ministerial Conference on Transport in 2011 to assess and evaluate the implementation of this declaration and the Regional Action Programme for Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific, phase I (2007-2011), and to consider a regional action programme for phase II (2012-2016).