Pengarang:Oscar Wilde
- Karya

halaman ini sedang dikerjakan |
- Novel
- Lukisan Dorian Gray (Picture of Dorian Gray)
- Kumpulan cerita pendek
- Pangeran Yang Bahagia dan cerita lainnya (The Happy Prince and other tales)
- Daftar Isi
- Pangeran Yang Bahagia (The Happy Prince)
- Sang Burung Bulbul dan Bunga Mawar (The Nightingale and the Rose)
- (The Selfish Giant)
- Teman yang Setia (The Devoted Friend)
- (The Remarkable Rocket)
- Rumah Delima (The House of Pomegranates)
- Sang Raja Muda (The Young King)
- Hari Ulang Tahun Sang Infanta (The Birthday of The infanta)
- Sang Nelayan dan Jiwanya (The Fisherman and His Soul)
- Anak Bintang (The Star Child)
- 1854 births
- 1900 deaths
- Author pages linking to Wikimedia Commons
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- Author pages linking to Wikipedia
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- Authors-Wi
- British authors
- Children's authors
- Essayists
- Fabulists
- French authors
- Irish authors
- Journalists as authors
- Librettists
- Male authors
- Modern authors
- Modern awal authors
- Novelists
- Playwrights
- Short story authors
- United Kingdom authors
- Authors in DNB01
- Authors in EB1911