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Pembicaraan Pengguna:Creptes

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Hello, please stop uploading unfree files, and without adding a licence, that site You have them from states explicitely: ©2007 Sekretariat Negara Republik Indonesia

Thanks for Your understanding, --burung (:> )=| 01:17, 18 Desember 2008 (UTC)

Hello, I don't understand it, but it seems strange to me that You can copy from a site which has not released its content into a free licence. Also these images lack author information. But if You think they are ok... I have contacted a sysop so he can revise Your uploads and help You in finding a licence that You can add here or helps You finding free sources which You could use instead. Thanks and best regards, --burung (:> )=| 02:37, 18 Desember 2008 (UTC)