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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/83

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<poem> ko'rek, m-igo'rek, to scrape, scratch or dig with a sharp instrument. Cf. gerek. iko'song, empty, hollow. Cf. hut i HI and roiyga. p-rot' ko'sorg, starving, famish- ed. ru'mali ko'sory, an uninhabited house. ta' nali ko'sorg, uncultivated land. ko'sorg-kan, to empty. Iko'ta (Sk.), a fort, fortress, forti- fied town. Cf. kubu and benterg. ko'tak, compartments or di- visions in a box or drawer.

  • a HI 'pan ko'tak, a small Chinese

boat with lockers in the stern. Iko'tor, dirty, filthy. Cf. chmar. ko'tor-kan, to dirty, soil. fco'yak, m-rgo'yak, -kan, to tear, rend. Cf. charek. iko'yan* a measure of capacity = 40 pikuls; see end of Gram- mar. .ko'yok (B.) (Chin.), plaster (medicinal). k-pada, see k-. k-pak', wing. Cf. sayap. Jc-pa'Ia (Sk.), head, chief, head- man, top. Cf. hulu. k-pa'la ci'rgin, scatter-brained. k-pa'la kam'porg, village head- man. k-f:n'la sn'rat, the heading of a letter. k-jia'la s it's u, cream. Ifin'tug k-pa'la, to rack one's brains. la'tu k-pa'la, the crown of the head, the cranium. chn'kai k-pa'la, poll-tax. f k-pa'la, giddiness. sa'kit k-pa'la, headache, kpalarg, see alary. k-pa'ya, lu'ah k-pa'ya, the pa- paya fruit. k-pi-a'lu, in the phrase: d-inam' k-pi-a'lu, continued fever. k-piig', a piece; numerical co- efficient of thin flat things (84). Cf. krat. k-pit', m-vg-pit', to carry under the arm. k-pi'tiig, a kind of crab. k-pok', a box made of thin material such as cardboard; a rice bin. k-poig', m-rg-porg' , to surround, encompass, besiege. Cf. klilirg. k-pul f , ber-k-pul-k-pul' , in clouds (as smoke). k-ra', a long-tailed monkey. k-ra'bu, ear ornaments of the shape of buttons. Cf. an- tity-antirg. k-rah', m-ty-rah', -kan, to muster, send orders for levies to pre- pare or assemble for an ex- pedition. k-rak', the burnt crust which ad- heres to the pot or pan when slightly overcooked. k-rak' nafsi, rice which adheres to the pot after boiling. k-ram', mrg-rairi , to brood (of hens). k-ra'mat (Ar.), marvel, prodigy; worthy of veneration; especi- aly tombs of saints or re- markable persons, trees, or other natural objects, to which votive offerings are made.