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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/73

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<poem> ka'kak, elder sister: sometimes elder brother, which is usual- ly abarg. Cf. adek and tachi. kakanda, see kkanda. ka-ka-tu'a, cockatoo: pincers. ka'ki, foot, leg, base, pedestal. ka'ki bu'kit, the foot of a hill. ka'ki di'an, candlestick. ka'ki gu'norg, the foot of a mountain. ka'ki la'rgit, the horizon. ka'ki -iem'bok, foundations of a wall. bi-na'tatg ber-ka'ki am'pat, quadruped. b-kas' ka'ki, foot print. ja'lan ka'ki, to go on foot. ina'ta ka'ki, the ankles. ta'pak ka'ki, sole of the foot. ka'ku, stiff, unbending. ka'la (Sk.), time; usually in the phrases given below. Cf. wakiu, masa, zman and kali. a' da ka'la, sometimes. a' pa ka'la, when. Cf. apabila. d-hu'lu ka'la, formerly, in olden times. s-di'a ka'la, always, usually. ka'la, a generic name for scor- pions. Tca'la jrg'kiig, the common variety. ka'lah (B.), to lose in a conflict, suffer defeat = alali. Cf. in- natg. ka'lam (Ar.), a pen. ka'latg, ru-rga'larg, to prop up (as a ship on a beach) ; also galarg. ka'lau (141, 142) = ji'ka and /t- ka'lau, if. ka-lau-ka'lau, perchance, per- haps, on the chance that, in case that. kal'dai, ass, donkey. ka'li, a time or occasion. ba'raiy-ka'li, perhaps. b-ra'pa ka'li, how often. k-du'a ka'h-n/a, the second time. s-ka'li, "once ; also see skali-kali. s-ka'li gvs', all at once, all at the same time. s-ka-li-ka'li, altogether, entire- ly; sometimes abbreviated to skalt meaning, quite, very (98, 94). s-ka'li pun' (144), even. s-ka'li-an, see sklian. ka'lis, impervious (to water). kalimah, see klimali. ka'lot, ka'lot-kan (B.), to re- buke, reprove. kam'biiK, goat. kam'birg bi-ri-bi'ri, sheep. Cf. domba. kam'birg ran'dok, he-goat. kambli, see kmbli. kam-bo'ja (Sk.), the name of a tree with sweet scented flowers. g'tah kam-bo'ja, gamboge. kam'bus, ter-kam'bus, stopped up, choked. kam'guan (B.) (Chin.), satis- fied, willing ; to assent, agree. ka'mi (7), we, us (excluding the person or persons spoken to). Cf. kita. kam'poh, double, in duplicate; as a sarorg woven in half widths, which must be sewn, together. kam'poig, ber-kam' porg , to as- semble; an assembly of houses, a village, quarter or ward in a town, the grounds