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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/54

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<poem> go'poh, haste, hurry; hasty. Cf. batyat. go- poh-go' poll, hastily. go'riig, to fry in fat, broil, grill. Cf. rnda-rg. go'ris, a scratch, score, groove; incised mark = garis. go'sok, miy-go'sok (86), to rub with the idea of cleaning or polishing. Cf. gesek. go'yaig, ber-go'yaiy, to shake, swing to and fro as the branches of a tree, oscillate. Cf. goncliarg. go'i/arg-kan and mrg-go'yarg, to shake (trans.)., agitate. g-ra-ha'na (Sk.), eclipse; also gcrhana. g-rak', ber-g~rak' f to move, stir (iidrans.). tcr-g-rak', moved. ter-g-rak' lia'ii-rya, his heart was moved. g-rak' lean, to move, put in mo- tion. g-rak' kan k-pa'la, to nod the head. Cf. gelenj. g-ram', anger; angry. Cf. ma- rali and gusar. g-ra'igan, pray, prithee (in ques- tions). Cf. kira-rya. g-re'ba (Ar. qirbat), water-skin. g-re'ja (Port.), a church build- ing. g-riifc', ill, sick (court langu- age). Cf. sakit. g-ri'sek, miy-g-ri'sek, to make a rustling or crackling (as silk or tinsel). g-ru'da (Sk.), a fabulous bird; also gurda. g'ta (Sk.), couch, sofa, bed. g'tah, the gum winch exudes from trees, birdlimr. rubber. g'tah per'clia, gutta ]>Mvha. g'tah kam-bo'ja, gamboge. g'tar, to tremble; usually gn'tar or g-mn'iar, sometimes g- m'tar. gu'ber-nur (Eur.), governor; also pmrentah. gu'darg, a warehouse, !?tore, shop. Cf. gdoir). gu'gur, to fall (of small light things) ; also sometimes with the idea of a premature or unnatural fall, as of falling stars, fruit falling from a tree, hair from the head, a premature birth, etc. Cf. luroh. gu'gur a'nak-rya, to miscarry. gu'gur-kan, to cause to fall in the manner described above. gu'la (Sk.), sugar. Cf. tbit. gu'la ba'iu, sugar candy. gu'la hi'tam, brown sugar. gu'la M-la'ka, sugar made from the coco-nut tree; sometimes gu'ln lii'lant. gu'la pa'ftir, granulated or moist sugar. gu'lai, curry. Cf. lank. gu-li'ga (Sk.), the bezoar stone. gu'lirg, ber-gu'lirg, to roll : usual- ly to roll along as a wheel; to roll oneself on the ground. Cf. goleTc, gilitg and gelek. nng-fin'lhg and gu'liw-kan, to roil anything along. gu-li'ta, dark ; usually g-lap f gu- li'ta, pitch dark. gu'loig, mry-gu'loiT), to roll up (as a mat, sail, sheets iof pauer. etc.) ; a roll made in this way. Cf.