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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/52

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<poem> ,g-gat', a bookworm; the larva of the moth which destroys clothing. gha"ib (Ar.), to disappear, va- nish. g-ha'ra, a'nak g-ha'ra, legitimate children. gha'rib (Ar.), foreign, strange. g-ha'ru, aloes-wood. gi' f ghee, clarified beef fat, used by natives of India; also mi- n/ak sapi. gi'gi, a tooth. Cf. gerliam. gi'gi a'su, canine teeth. gi'gi s-ri', the front teeth. cha'bot gi'gi, to draw a tooth. churg'Tcil gi'gi, tooth-pick. gi'git, mrg-gi'git, to bite. gi'la, mad, insane, idiotic. gi'la ba'bi, epilepsy. gi'laig, gi'larg-g-mi'larg, shining, glittering. Cf. Jcilcct. gi'liig, mrg-gi'lirg, to. roll (be- tween rollers as in a roller mill), roll up (as sails), grind (as with curry stone and roller). Cf. gelek and guliwg. ba'tu gi'lirg, stone for grinding curry stuff. gi'Iir (115), alternation, change, turn, relieving guard. ber-gi'lir, alternately, in suc- cession, in turn. Cf. ganti. gi'li-ran, turn, change of guard. gin'tiig, a roofing iie = gntirg. g-lak', in the phrase: ter-ta'wa g-lak' g-lak', to laugh uproariously. g-lam', the name of a tree, the bark of which is used for canlking boats. ', bracelet, anklet. g-larg' ka'ki, anklets. g-larg' ta'rgan, bracelets. g-lap', dark, obscure. Cf. klam. g-lap' gu-li'ta, pitch dark. bu'Jan g-lap', the time when the moon is invisible. ma-ta-ma'ta g-lap', detective. g-lar', mrg-g-lar', to confer a title or surname. ber-g-lar', having a title or sur- name. g-la'ran, surname, title. g-las' (Eur.), drinking glass. g-l-gar', floor joists. g-li', ticklish, excitable, unable to control oneself. g-lin'chir, mrg-g-lin'chir, to slip, slide. glitar, see gltar. g-Io'joh, greedy, gluttonous. g-Iok', a vessel for water with a narrow neck. g-lo'rah (Ar.), stormy, troubled. g-Iom'baig, large waves, break- ers. Cf. ombak and alun. g-l'tar, mrg-g-l'tar, to tremble. Cf. gmntar. g-lu'niai, miy-g-lu'marg, to wallow in mud; smeared with mud. Cf. lumor and kubarg. g-mal', a bundle of sticks, sheaf of grain. g-ma'la, mythical jewels sup- posed to have magic proper- ties. Also kmala. g-mar', pleased, glad, joyful; joy. ler-g-mar', to rejoice. k-g-ma'ran, that which gives pleasure; enjoyment, rejoic- ing.