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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/44

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<poem> da'girg da'rah, blood relation- ship. ma'bok da'rah, faint through loss of blood. bu-arg' a'yer da' rah, dysentery. da'rat, dry land, land as opposed to water. bcr-ja'lan da'rat, to go by land or inland. na'ik k-da'rat, or tn'run da'rat, to land, disembark. mn-da'rat, to go inland. dar'jat (Ar.), rank. darji, see derji. da'taig (62), to come. Cf. mari and sampai. bu'lan da'targ, next month. yarg a'kan da'targ, future. ber-da'targ sm'bali, to come and address a superior. da'ta-rgi, to attack. da'targ-kan, to bring to pass, bring about, cause. k-da'ta-rgan, arrival, coming; attacked (by sickness, etc.). da'tar, flat, level ; usually rata. da'tok or da'to', grandfather; a title of Malay chiefs. This word is used by Chinese to denote their gods = Chinese Tcorg. da'tok ne'nek, ancestors. dau'lat (Ar.), power, state, ma- jesty ; hail ! dau'lat tu'an-ku, your majesty. da'un, a leaf, blade of grass. da'un ka'yu, the leaf of a tree. da'un teli' , tea-leaves. da'un t-li'rga, the lobe of the ear. d'a'wa (Ar.), a prosecution, Inw- sujt. Ti-'na d'a'wa, to be prosecuted. mn-d'a'u'a and d'a'wa-kan, to prosecute. da'wai, wire. Cf. kawat. da'wat (Ar.), ink. Cf. tinta. tm'pat da'tvat, inkpot. da'ya (Sk.), means, resource. plan ; also in a bad sense,. trick, stratagem. ti'pu da'ya, trickery, deceit. da' i/a u-pa'ya, resources, mr;m> of doing things. per-da'ya-kan, to deceive, dupe.. outwit. da'ya, in its derivatives: la' rat da'ya, southwest. s-la'taii da'ya, south-southwest. Da'yak, the inhabitants of the interior of Borneo. da'yaig, a girl, a maid-servant at court : used as a form of address in speaking to a girl. da'yoig, an oar. a'nah da'i/oiy, oarsman, rower^ ber-da'i/org, to row. use an oar. d'bar, ber-d'bar. to palpitate, beat (of the heart). d-dak', l)ran (of rice). d-bu', dust ; see Ibu and dekar, see dikar. den'derv:, dried meat. de'ret, a row, series. Cf. ber-de'rct, in a row. der-ha'ka (Sk.), rebellion, trea- son : to rebel : also muder- liaka. der-ham' (Ar. dirl-ain}. a small silver coin. de'ri or da'ri (27), from (usual- ly of places). dc'rl n'/tis. from above, above- df'ri Jin' 'trail, from below. dc'ri da'ldiii, from within.