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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/27

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bangsi, flute, flagiolet.
bangun, to arise, awake. Cf. jaga and sdar.
bangun-kan, to arouse, erect, build.
bangu-nan, building, erection.
ba-ngun-bangu-nan, tower.
bani (Ar.), sons, people; see bni.
bani-an (Hind.), a Hindu trader.
bani-an, a shirt.
banir, projections at the base of certain trees which extend to the ground like buttresses.
banjar, a row, series. Cf. deret.
bantah (149), ber-bantah, to dispute, angue, quarrel.
per-banta-han , dispute, quarrel.
bantai, mm-bantai, to slaughter; beat severely.
bantal, pillow, cushion.
tikar bantal, bedding (of a native).
banting, mm-banting, -kan, to beat together, dash down; to beat as clothes on a stone in washing them : to toss about in bed as in delirium.
banting k-pala, to rack ones brains.
banting tulang, to exert oneself.
bantu, mm-bantu, to help, aid, assist. Cf. tolong.
bantun, mm-ban tun, to tear up by the roots, pull up, pull out. Cf. chabot.
bantut, abortive.
bangak, much, many, very; quantity (36, Note).
banyak orang, many people.
orang banyak, the people, thepopulace, a crowd.
s-banyak, so many, as many.
k-banya-kan, the majority, the major part; common, ordinary.
bapa, father. Cf. ayah,
bapa sau-dara, uncle.
bapa tiri, step father.
mak bapa or ibu bapa, parents.
baptis and bapti-san, baptism. (X.).
baptis-kan, to baptize (X.).
bara and bara api, embers, live coals.
barah, abcess, ulcer, tumour. Cf. pkong, bistil and jrairat.
barang, things, goods, personal property, baggage. Also barang-barang.
barang apa (20), whatever, anything.
barang bila, whenever.
barang di mana, wherever.
baraig-kali, perhaps.
barang k-mana, whithersoever.
barang si-apa (20), whoever, anyone.
barang s-su-atu, whatever.
barang yang , whatever.
s-barang, any, anything.
barat, west.
barat daya, south-west.
barat laut, north-west. s-sat barat, altogether astray.
baring, ber-baring, to lie down.
baring-kan, to lay down.
baris, a line or row, a line of soldiers, hence drill : vowel points.
baris di atas, the Arabic vowel sign fathah = a.
baris di bawah, the Arabic vowel sign kasrah = i.