One. satu, s-.
Two. dua.
Three, tiga.
Four, ampat.
Five. lima.
Six. anam.
Seven. tujoh.
Eight, dlapan.
Nine, smbilan.
"Ten. s-puloh.
Eleven, s-blas.
Twelve, dua blas.
Thirteen, tiga blas.
"Twenty, dua puloh.
"Twenty-one, dua puloh satu or s-lekor.
Twenty-two, dua puloh dua or dua lekor.
Thirty, tiga puloh.
Thirty-one, tiga puloh satu.
One hundred, s-ratus.
One hundred and one, s-ratus satu.
One hundred and ten, s-ratus s-puloh.
One hundred and twenty, s-ratus dua puloh.
One thousand, s-ribu.
Ten thousand, s-laksa.
One hundred thousand, s-kti.
One million, s-juta.
Black, hitam.
Blue, biru.
Brown, hitam manis.
Chestnut, perang.
Green. hijau.
Grey, klabu.
Pink, merah muda.
Purple, ungu.
Red, merah, merah tua.
White, puteh.
Yellow, kuning.
Accounts, kira-kira.
Air, to, jmor, anginkan.
Almeirah, almari.
Basin, mangkok, bokor.
Basket, bakul.
Bath-room, tmpat mandi.
Bed. tmpat tidor.
Bed-room, bilek tidor.
Bell, locheng.
Belt, ikat pinggang.
Bill, surat hutang.
Blanket, slimut.
Book, buku.
Bottle, botol
Box, pti.
Broom, pnyapu.
Brush, brus.
Bucket (dipper), timba.
Bundle, bungkus.
Button, kanching.
Candle, lilin, dian.
Candlestick, kaki lilin.
Ceiling, langit-langit.
Chair, kursi, krusi.