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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/159

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<poem> tum'pas, in-num'pas, to exter- minate. tum'pat, to stop up, plug. Cf. sumbat. tum'pol, blunt. Cf. tajam. tum'pu, m-num'pu, to press, push (as with the feet). tu'nai, and warg' iu'nai, cash, ready money. tu'naig, ber-tu'narg, to betroth, tu-na'rgan, betrothed, fiance. tu'nas, ber-tu'nas, a sprout; to sprout. tun'da, to tow; see ton da. tun'dok, m-nun'dok, to bow the head or body, make a bow, bend down. Cf. surgkor. tuig'gal, solitary, sole, only, unique. a'nak turg'gal, only child. tuig'gaig, in-nurg'garg, to ride (on horseback). Cf. kndara. turg'garg larg'garg, head over heels, headlong. tuig'gu, m-nuig'gu, -i, to watch, guard, wait. Cf. jaga and nanti. p-nurg'gu, a watchman. p-nurg'gu pin'tu, a porter, gate- keeper. p-nurg'gu pn-ja'ra, prison war- der. tuig'gul, a banner, flag. Cf. panji and bndera. tuig'gul, the stump of a tree. tung'ku = tuan-ku, a title of prin- ces. tun'jaig, roots such as those of the mangrove, which shoot out from the stem. Cf. akar, banir and jargkar. tun'jok, in-nun'jol-, -kan. to point, point out, indicate, show. Cf. unjoK'. t-lun'jok, the forefinger. tun'jonf, water-lily. tun'tut, m-nun'tut, to seek for,, pursue, search after (especial- ly knowledge, vengeance,, etc.). Cf. chari. tun'tut be' la, to seek vengeance. tun'tut 'il'mu, to search for knowledge. tu'nu, to burn. tu'pai, squirrel. tu'run, m-trit'nin, to descend (46 6), go down; to be descended from ; to come up (of a storm of wind or rain). tu'run lea' pal, to go on board a ship from a pier or wharf. Cf. nail: tu'run It-da' rat or tu'run da'mt, to land, disembark. tu'run t-mu'run, in successive generations. hu'jan man in-run', rain is is coming. na'ik tit-run', to go up and down (as a road in hilly country) . tu'run-kan, to let down, lower. k-tu'ru-nan, generation, genea- logy, descendants. tu'rus, post, pillar. tu'rut, m-nu'rut, to follow, suc- ceed, imitate, obev, conform to. Cf. ikut. tu'rut p-ren'tah, to obey. m-nu'rut, according to, as, like. ber-tu-rut-tu'rut, one after an- other, successively. tut', to propagate by binding earth round a branch and thus causing it to root. tu'toh, m-nu'ioli, to lop, cut off branches of a tree.