Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/155

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<poem> t-mu', ber-i-mu', to meet, come together. Cf. jitmpa. per-t-mu'kan, to join together,' unite. t-naig', smooth, calm (of the surface of water). tn'daig, m-nn'darg, to kick back- wards (as a horse), kick with the sole of the foot. Cf. sepak and trajaig. t-iga'dah, m-n-iga'dah, to look up to the sky. t'igah (35), the middle; half; whilst, during. Cf. sparoli. I' njah du'a, one and a half. I'lfjnh lia'ri, mid-day. t'rgah ja'lan, in the middle of the road; during a journey. t' iijnh Hia'knn, in the middle of a meal. J'ii/u/i ina'lam, midnight. fii/ali na'ik, when the sun is half way up, 9 a.m. I'lt/filt ti'ga, two and a half. I' ii/f ill In-run' , when the sun is half way down, 3 p.m. <t'rarg t'njali, middle man, mediator. x-l'rgali, half, one half. xii'ma t'rgah, exactly in the middle. jn'r-1'iya-hnn, middle; medium. tig-ga'la (Sk.), a plough. Cf. bajak. trg-ga'ra, North-east. tig-gi'ri, an edible fish. tig'g-lam', to sink. ttg r !/-l(i>i<'kan, to submerge. tig'kar, bcr-trg'kar, to dispute, wrangle, quarrel. Cf. ban- tali. tig'kiig, nt-nHj'kit(/, to rebuke, reprove, scold. Cf. tgur and Jtardek. tnf'kok, the back of the neck. Cf. lehir. bu'lu ttg'kok, mane. tnj-ko'rak, the skull, cranium. tig'ku, a title of princes; also turyku. tvg-si' (B.) (Chin.), a large spoon. t-noig', ber-t-norg', to practise divination. Cf. tilek. tn'taig, opposite to, facing; con- cerning, in regard to. tn'targ ma'ta, right in one's eyes. in-nn'taig, to face, look directly at. ber-tn-ia' rgan d'rgan, opposite to. tn't-ra (Sk. tantra), army; also bala tntra. tn'tu (138), certain, sure. Cf. ii.vchaya and psti. tcr-tn'tu, settled, decided. tn'tu-kan, to decide, determine, settle. Tc-tn'tu-an, certainty. t-nun', ber-t-nun' , to weave. to'a-ha (B.) (Chin.), mourning apparel. toak (B.) (Chin.), a drawer = lachi. tobat, see taubat. to'dak, sword-fish. tof an, see taufan. toh (B.) (Chin.), table. to'hor, shallow. Cf. chetek. ka'pur to'hor, slaked lime. tokek = tkek, q.v. to'ko (B.) (Chin.), a shop. to'kok, m-no'kok, to add, increase by addition.