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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/121

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<poem> sau-da'ra s-pu'pu, first cousins. sau-da'ra dn'a J>II'/HI, second cousins. pu'pus, bereft. pu'put, to blow, make a blast of air. Cf. hmbtts and Hop. pu'pu-tan, bellows. pu-ra-pu'ra, in pretence, pre- tending, feigning, sham, hypocritical. pu'ru, sore, ulcer. Cf. bisul and barah. L'd'lak pu'ru, a toad. pusaka, see psaka. pu'sar, to cause to revolve hori- zontally. pu'sa-ran a'ryin, whirlwind. pu'sat, the navel; the centre of a thing. pu'sirg, ber-pu'suy, to revolve, turn round (inintns.). Cf. idar. pu'sirg Tc-pa'la, giddy, confused. Cf. pnirg and birgoiy. pu'sirg-kan, to cause to revolve. pus-ta'ka (Sk.), a book of charms or magic formulae. pu'tar, m-mu'tar. to turn, cause to revolve. Cf. kisar and pusirg. pu'tar ba'lek, fickle, vacillat- ing, capricious. pu'ta-ran, windlass, capstan. pu'teh, white. pu'teh ma'ta, disappointed. pu'teh t-lor' , the white of an egg- lia'ti pu'teh, a clear conscience. o'rarg pu'tt'h, European. pu'tdi-kan, to bleach. pu'tek, fruit when just set. pu'tin?, the pointed end of any- thing made to fit into a hole; a plug. pu'tirg b-li'org, water-spout. pu't-ra (88) (Sk.), son (of a king), prince. pu't-ri (88) (Sk.), daughter (of a king), princess. pu'tus, in-iu u'tus, -kan, broken by tension (as ropes), broken oft, discontinued, ceased, finished, ended; to break by- tension, end, conclude. pu'tus a'sa, without hope, in despair. pu'tus bi-cha'ra, to end a con- sultation by coming to a de- cision. putus harap = putus asa. pit' tits liu'kum, to pass judg- ment, pronounce sentence. pu'tus tya'ira, to die. ti-a'da ber-k-pu'tn-tan, without interruption, without ceas- ing, without end. pu'yoh, quail. R ra'ayat, see r' at/at. ra'ba, ni-ra'ba, to feel, touch, fumble, grope. rab'bi (Ar.), my Lord, Lord. ra'bek (B.), to tear, rend. ra'bit, frayed, torn at the edge. ra'bok, tinder, touchwood. ra'boig, ridge pieces on a tap roofs. ra'bu, lia'ri ra'bu, Wednesday rbu. ra'bun, !-ra'[>i<n, to smoke r fumigate. ra'chun, poison. Cf. bi*<t. k'na rn'clnin, to be poisoned. ma'kfin m'chitn, to take poison. ra'dak, m-ra'dak, -kan. to thrust, (.ivtods i? tpi.vv >'u) ;[od