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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/106

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90 MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. nan' ii d-hu'lu, wait a bit. m-nan'ti-nan'ti, to keep wait- ing. nan'ti-kan, to await, wait for. nar-was'tu, spikenard. na'sar (Ar.), vulture; usually burorg nasar. na'si, boiled rice. Cf. bras and padi. k-rak' na'si, the burnt crust left in the pot after cooking rice. ma'kan na'si, to take a meal, lit., to eat rice. na'sib (Ar.), fate, destiny, lot in life. na'si-hat (Ar,), exhortation, ad- vice, admonition. na' si-hat' kan, to advise, exhort, admonish. nas'khah (Ar. nuskhah), manu- script. nas-ra'ni (Ar.), Christian, es- pecially Roman Catholic. Cf. srani. na'wong:, shade, shadow, shelter; also na'org. Cf. bayarg. na'wo-rgi, to overshadow, shel- ter. 'nche', see inche'. 'ndah, see indah. 'ndap, see hndap. neg'ri (Sk.), country, state, ter- ritory, city, town. Cf. fa- nah, bnua and bandar. neg'ri a'sirg, a foreign country. neg'ri o'rarg, a country other than one's own. a'nak neg'ri, native of a place. i'si neg'ri, inhabitants of a town : or country. k-pa'la neg'ri, the capital of a j country. n'emat, see n'iinat. nen'da, polite form of nenek. ne'nek, grandfather, grand- mother. Cf. datok. ne'nek mo'yarg, ancestors. da'tok ne'nek, ancestors. nesan, see nishan. iga'iga and ter-iya'rga, open (of the mouth or a door). rga'rga-kan mu'lut, to open the mouth. iga'um, m-rga'wn, to roar (of tigers) . 'ig-chek (B.) (Chin.), uncle: a form of address to fatlu-r- and other elderly persons. 'ig'gan, to object, refuse, be un- willing. rg'gan-kan, to refuse or ivjn-t a thing. 'nf'gan?. the hornbill or rhino- ceros bird. igilu, see njilu. , see argkan. ' (B.), elder brother. "' (B.), father-in-law. ' (B.), grandfather. 'ig-ku' (B.), mother's brother. HJ-ri'. to shiver, shudder: TIT- rible, horrible. ni-a'ga, bcr-ni-a'ga and in-ni- a'ga (Sk.), to trade; also- bniaga. per-ni-a'ga'an, trade, commerce. ni'at (Ar.), intention, purpose,. resolution, vow. ba'yer ni'at, to pay a vow. ber-ni'at, to intend, make a .re- solution or vow. ni'bon?, a palm, the wood of which is very hard and dura- ble.