MALAY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. wne'rah, red. me' rail mii'da, pale red. in i rah t-lor' ', the yoke of an egg. inr'rnli fu'a, deep red. ku'da me'rali, a bay horse. merak, see mrak. mer'bau, a timber tree. mer'bok, a small turtle dove. mer'chun, fire crackers, lire- works. Cf. pias. mer-d-he ka (Jav.), freed from s I a ve ry, manumitted, free. Cf. lebas. mer'du (Sk.). soft, gentle, sweet (of sounds). Cf. mani*. mer-gas-tu'a (Sk. marga sa iwa), wild animals. me'reng, slanting, oblique. Cf. i' re ig, cliondroty and seroty. mer kah (Port.), the marks on a lead line, a soldier's badges of rank. mer kah, very fine cracks in por- celain. mer-pa'ti (Sk.), pigeon, dove = (B.) buroiy komba. Cf. jirryfint. pnnai. fknkur and merbaik. mer-ta'bat (Ar.), high position, rank, station. Cf. pargJcat. -mer-tu'a (B.), father-in-law, mother-in-law = mntua. mesal, see mWia'L me'wah, abundant. Cf. Jem pah. J,--iiic'iri(-hfin, abundance. m-f-ham (Ar. niiifJiiim}, to understand : sei- f<iliin. in-gah', fame, glory. m-gah'knn ili'ri, to boast, exalt mhaf, mi'arg, itchiness caused by the fine hair of the bamboo, and >imilar things. mi'ka, thou, thee = aiyJcau. mil' (Eng.), mile. mi'lek (Ar.), property, posses- sions. nti'h'-ki, to ])ossess. acquire. mim'bar (Ar. minbar), the pul- pit in a mosque. mim'pi, a dream; also (B.) m- nimpi. ber-mim'pi, to dream. minarah, see mnarah. m '*E'go (Port, domingo, lord), hari mirggo, the Lord's day, Sunday. Hence miiygo has come to mean a week. Cf. ah ad. mir^kin (B.), more, the more = makin, q.v. mi 'nit (Eng.), minute. min'ta, m-min'ta (86 &, 157), to request, ask for ; also pinta. min' la ft' man, to seek for peace. min'la Hiii'fHiii, to ask for for- giveness. HI in' fa di'ri, to excuse oneself, take leave. Cf. motion. ni in' fa do" a, to pray. min'ta jan'ji, to request the fulfilment of a promise. in in' ia ka'sdi, to ask a favour. iniii'fii ni(i"af, to beg pardon. in in' in pin' jam, to borrow. min'ta s'd-kah', to beg, ask for alms. /ji'r-min'fa'an, request, prayer. mi'num, m-nii'nuin, to drink. a'l/cr nii'nuin, drinking water. /i-iiii'niiin. a drinker, drunkard. Cf. mabok. in i' nn~n>an, beverage. mi'n/ak, oil. grease (animal or vegetable). Cf. linak.
Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/101