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Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/35

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boros, extravagant, prodigal.
bota (Sk.), a goblin, demon.
botak, bald, premature or unnatural baldness owing to disease. Cf. gondol.
bo to I (Eur.), bottle.
boya (Port.), a buoy.
b-rahi, sexual passion.
B-rahma, the Hindu god Brahma; usually berma.
B-rahman (Sk.), a Brahmin; usually berman.
brai, see chrai-brai.
b-randah (Port.), verandah.
b-raigan, arsenic.
b-raigan, chestnut.
b-ratyan babi, oak.
b-rani, brave, daring, courageous; to dare tp, have the courage to.
batu b-rani, loadstone.
b-si b-rani, magnet.
b-rani-kan diri, to make bold, encourage oneself.
b-rapa, how much? how many? also used as a contraction for
bbrapa; see apa.
b-rapa banjak, how many.
b-rapa herga, how much (price) ?
b-rapa Tcali, how often.
b-rapa la ma, how long.
b-rapa puloh, how many tens. s-b-rapa, as much as, as many as.
b-ras, husked rice. Cf. padi and
b-ras berteh, rice roasted in the husk.
b-ras kutyit, rice stained with saffron.
b-ras puluf, glutinous rice.
b-rat, heavy, difficult, important; weight (36, Xote).
b-ratkan di atas orang, to lay the responsibility on a person.
b-ri, mm-b-ri, -kan (78, 149), to give, grant, concede, allow, permit.
b-ri hati, to encourage.
b-ri ingaf, to remind, caution.
b-ri i-sharat, to make a sign.
b-ri izin, to give permission or leave.
b-ri jawab, to answer.
b-ri ma kan, to feed.
b-ri masok, to let in.
b-ripin jam, to lend.
b-ri saksi, to witness, testify.
b-ri sa-lam, to salute.
b-ri ialiu, to inform, tell.
b-ri takot, to frighten. pm-b-rian, a gift, present.
b-riigin, the waringin tree.
b-rinjal (Port.), the egg-plant = iron/, q. v.
b-rita, news, information = werta.
b-rok, an ape, often trained to gather coconuts.
b-roti, a lath.
b-ruan?, a bear.
b-ruga, ayam b-ruga, jungle fowl.
B-runai, a State in N. Borneo, whence the whole island is so named.
b-rus (Eng.), brush.
b-sar, big, lange; size (36, Note). liari b-sar , festival, holiday. hati b-sar, proud. orang b-sar, chief, headman. fuon b-sar, the senior in office.