Halaman:Malay-English vocabulary.djvu/153

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<poem> tiig'gi, high, tall: height. tirg'gi-kan, to raise up, exalt, elevate. tiig'kah, behaviour, conduct; also tirgkah laku. Cf. pkerti and laku. tinj'kap, window (of native houses). Cf. jndela. tiig'kat, a stage ; numeral coef- ficient of the stories of a house or decks of a ship. Cf. loterg. tin'ju, ber-tin'ju, to strike with the fist; boxing. Cf. tumbok and gocholi. tin'ta (Port.), ink. Cf. dawat. ti-op', ber-ti-op' , to blow (of the wind or mouth). Cf. hmbus and puput. ti-op'kan, to blow a thing (with the month). ti'pis, thin (as opposed to tbal, thick). Cf. halus and nipis. ti'pu, m-ni'pu, deceit, fraud; to deceive, cheat. ti'pu da'ya, deception, trickery, swindling. p-ni'pu, an impostor, cheat, swindler. tir', the castle in the game of chess; see cliator. ti'rai (Tarn.), a curtain. Cf. tabir. ti'rai k-lam'bu, a mosquito net; usually klanibn. ti'ram, an oyster. ti'ri, in the phrases : an' ok ti'ri, stepchild. ba'pa ti'ri, stepfather. mak' ti'ri, stepmother. ti'ru, m-ni'ni, to imitate, copy. Cf. salin. ti tah, m-ni'tali, -lean, order, com- mand, word (of a king) : to- say, order, command (of a king). Cf. sabda. jun'jorg ti'tali, to obey a king'- command. ti'tek, in-ni'tek, a drop, a spot,. a dot ; to fall in drops. ti'tek-kan, to pour out liquid by drops. ti'ti, m-ni'ti. to walk along a narrow path or the trunk or bough of a tree. ti'ti-an, a foot bridge formed of the trunk of a tree. tiwas, see tewas. t'ka-t-ki', riddle, enigma. t-kak', the gullet. a'nak t-kak', the uvula. t-kan', m-n-kan', -kan, to press, press down (as with the hand). Cf. impet, apit and tindeh. t-k-bur (Ar.), pride. t-kek', the large house lizard, the gecko. Cf. chichak. t-ku'kur, wild pigeon. Cf. }>u- nai and merpati. t-kun', perseverance, persistence. Cf. usalia and raj in. t-la'dan, example, model; also- tula dan. t-la'ga (Sk.), a small lake, pond, well. Cf. kola in. t'lah, an auxiliary verb indicat- ing the past tense, but only used in writings = su dali. s-t'lah, when, after that . tla'hir (Ar.), visible, manifoi. outward, exoteric: as op- posed to batin, inward, q.v. tla'lim (Ar.), tyrannical: ty- ranny.